After eight and a half months, the RL Jute Mill of Belakoba Shikarpur Gram Panchayat was opened from today!

After eight and a half months, RL Jute Mill in Belakoba Shikarpur Gram Panchayat was opened from today. Both the owner and the workers are happy because of the conflict between the two workers' organizations of the ruling political party. Later, several bilateral meetings were held but the issue was not resolved. On the initiative of MLA Khageshwar Roy, the bilateral meeting between the employers and the workers was opened on July 29 at his office from August 19.  After the owner officially sealed the decision on August 19, both sides were happy to open the mill today, said owner's manager Sarat Mishra.

The owners have suffered as much as the mill has been closed for a long time, the workers have had to spend their days in many crises and they are happy that the mill has reopened today. On the other hand, Narayan Chandra Basak, chip advisor of the union said From the birth of this organization, an organization of theirs tried to break that organization After military success, the workers misunderstood and rejoined their organization For eight and a half months, they have spent days in crisis in Corona He said that they were released from today and he was very happy to see the smiles on the faces of the workers.

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