Jalpaiguri district police distributed blankets and mosquito nets

Rajganj, November 21: At the initiative of Jalpaiguri district police at Shikarpur Devi Chaudharani temple in Rajganj block. Blankets and mosquito nets were distributed to the workers and distressed people of Shikarpur Tea Garden. The event was conducted by Belakoba Police Outpost. Rajganj MLA Khageshwar Roy said on the occasion Many governments have come and gone before. However, such a beautiful plan of the government and the police has never been seen before. Meanwhile, Rajganj IC Pankaj Sarkar said, "Police and common people are the same. Our job is not just to catch crime and thieves. We also combine happiness and sorrow among ordinary people! He said that there are plans to organize more such distribution programs in the future. Also present was Belakoba O.C. Buddhadev Ghosh, Jalpaiguri District Council President Uttara Barman, Rajganj Panchayat Samiti President Purnima Das Roy, Shikarpur Gram Panchayat Chief Ranjita Roy, among others.

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