Belakoba Range also caught 3 accused before smuggling the golden woodpecker

Belakoba, 22 January 2022: Another great success at Belakoba Range, It is learned that three smugglers were arrested by the forest workers of Belakoba Range before the smuggling of an extinct almost golden woodpecker. It is learned that the golden woodpecker was being taken from Arunachal Pradesh to Nepal for smuggling. Odla was arrested on Friday evening from a house next to a hotel after receiving information from a secret source. It is learned that they were smuggling the golden woodpecker for 25 lakh rupees.

Two of the detainees were "Nar Bahadur Lama" and "Nadu Ram Pejaz". These are Assam. And "Thutan Jamba" Sources said that he is a resident of Arunachal Pradesh. The detainees will be sent to Jalpaiguri district court on Saturday.

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