Manav Das turns saviour for stray dogs in Rajganj

Manav Das, a resident of Rajganj Post Office More, has emerged as a beacon of compassion and kindness by selflessly providing food to the street dogs in the bustling Rajganj bazaar area. For several years, Manav has dedicated himself to this noble cause, and his efforts have inspired others to join him in this mission. Speaking about his journey,

Manav shared that he has been feeding the street dogs for the past 8 years, initially starting all by himself. Over time, his selfless act has touched the hearts of the community, leading to the involvement of like-minded individuals, including local businessmen and youth of Rajganj, who have willingly extended their helping hand. Manav Das’s commitment to caring for the street dogs has created a ripple effect of empathy in Rajganj, fostering a sense of collective responsibility towards the welfare of these animals.

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